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I got so tired of waiting for Windows to load a picture, and all the editing menus, that I wrote my own picture viewing program with the few options "I" wanted.

I also wanted the ability to 'launch' several pictures at a time.




Quick move     This will move the picture to the directory that you used last time, then close the window.

SimView remembers the directory that you put things into each time you change to a different directory - using the regular 'move' command.

Quick delete This will delete the picture from your hard drive and close the window - without asking if this is what you really want to do.

I get tired of clicking delete, then clicking yes in the confirm box when windows asks if this (delete the file?) is what you want to do, then click close, to close the window.
Now all you have to do is click Quick delete and "poof" it's gone, and the window closes

Fit to screen This will automatically resize the picture to best fit your screen.  This is also remembered the next time you open SimView

Right clicking in the picture will bring
up a pop-up menu with several other functions

click -->here<-- to go back to download

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